Thursday, March 28, 2013

Since i no longer work on my website, i have decided to try once more to start up my blog. Have done this a few times but got lazy in the end. Hopefully this time it would stay up longer.

Another thing i just started up again is my collection of Re-ment miniatures. Been collecting on and off for many years now. Sofar have amassed so many sets that i have lost count long ago. Now i am working on maybe finally getting the few older retired sets that i so stupidly did not buy when they were cheap. Cheap as in less then $50 or even $100. Some of the sets i want now are reaching the $300 mark. Seriously crazy for tiny pieces of plastic. I want them but i am not paying that much (these are the prices found on ebay).

So this brings up another thing i just started up as well, which is checking out Yahoo Japan Auctions. I haven't used Y!JA for years now. Not since i stopped collecting Anime & Asian fashion dolls. This happened after i got into Ball Jointed Dolls back in 2008. Now i am back scouring Y!JA. Just signed up with Shopping Mall Japan. Have not won anything yet so i don't know how their service and fees are. So fingers crossed that they are good. If not then i will just have to try another deputy service. There are a few out their.

So here are the Re-ment sets i am hopefully working towards getting


It doesn't really look like alot but unfortunately some of these are the more sort after and crazy expensive sets. So wish me luck on acquiring any of these for less then the ebay asking prices :)

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